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제목 EMCORE 사 SDI170 Tactical Grade Inertial Measurement Unit (Non-ITAR)를 소개드립니다.
이름 관리자 날짜 2021.08.09 조회수 486
첨부파일 SDI170 Data Sheet_EMCORE.pdf   Navigation Inertial Sensing Brochure_EMCORE.pdf  

EMCORE’s SDI170 IMU is designed as a performance-compatible inertial system that is form, fit, and functional with a legacy RLG-based IMU product, but with superior overall performance, versatility, and a significantly higher MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure) rating over ruggedized environments. 

The tactical performance of the SDI170 IMU is based on EMCORE’s mature, proven, dependable and accurate quartz MEMS inertial sensor technology in our SDI500 tactical-grade IMU. 

EMCORE’s quartz technology enables repeatable high-volume production of precisely machined sensor structures combined with the inherent large signal output and thermal stability of quartz materials.





   • Precision Aircraft Attitude Heading Reference Systems

   • GPS-Aided Navigation Systems

   • Autonomous Vehicles

   • Remotely Operated Vehicles

   • Tactical Weapons & Torpedoes

   • Aerial and Marine Geomapping / Surveying

   • Targeting & Pointing Systems

   • Robotics


Key Performance Features:​
   • 1°/hr Gyro & 1mg Accel Bias Over Wide Temperature Range

   • 0.02°/√hr Angle Random Walk - 5X Better Than RLG-based IMU

   • < 1.0 Seconds Valid Data Start Up

   • Industry Standard RS-422 Serial Interface

   • < 33 in.3 Rugged Size

   • Stable Performance, Superior Quality & Reliability

      - 20 Year Lifetime Without Calibration

      - Greater Than 100,000 hr MTBF

   • Designed as a Form, Fit & Functional Performance Alternative to Legacy RLG-based IMU

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