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제목 Sital 사 MultiComBox(MIL-STD-1553 Bus Tester and Loader)를 소개드립니다.
이름 관리자 날짜 2021.02.02 조회수 410
첨부파일 MCX_Bus Tester.pdf   MultiComBox.png  

The TST1553USB unit provides full MIL-STD-1553B test, simulation and bus analysis capability in a compact self-contained unit. 

It connects via a USB 2.0 interface to any host systems. 

The TST1553USB supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (MT). 

Full error injection capability is available in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT and MT modes. 

The unit is supplied with C Driver library, together with an optional Windows GUI, providing a user-friendly software tool for all 1553 set-ups, data management and storage.






Key Features and Benifits

• Support multiple IP Cores: MIL-STD-1553B, H009, PP194, EBR 1553, ARINC 429, RS-485, RS-422

• Up to two channels Mil-Std-1553B Bus tester

• Up to 4 ARINC429 channels

• Up to 4 EBR1553 channels

• IRIG-B Discrete Receive Line for external clock sync

• Passive TDR capabilities for MIL-STD-1553B for real-time circuit fault detection

• Cyber resilience testing for MIL-STD-1553B/1760 with multiple attack modes.

• Suitable for any MIL-STD-1553B BC, RT, MT testing· USB 2.0 interface to PC, Allows real time tester control

• Optional 4 channels of RS-422 for additional testing capabilities

• Works on USB power. No need for external power source

• Multiple RT simulation (up to 31 RTs)

• Support for asynchronous messaging from the COMposer application and API for real-time message simulation 

• Loop-back & Live mode generates live RT data

• Programmable Status word and Mode Code

• Error injection and detection

• Time tagging for each message

• Message Scheduling changeable in real time

• Data and Status words changeable in real time

• New and compact Rate-Mode message-per-frame scheduling

• Optional MuxView® software for traffic generation and analysis

• Optional RTs’ analog connection status reporting

• ANSI C API and Windows/Linux kernel drivers for embedding with any test application

• Engineering Units Support 


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